Luberef has successfully maintained a Total Recordable Incidents Rate (TRIR) of 0.0* since 2020, with no Lost Time Injuries (LTI) or medical treatment cases. This achievement reflects the company’s core values, which prioritize employee and operational safety. Luberef has enhanced its safety standards by implementing a top-tier DuPont safety program and following over 20 safety elements. As a result, the company has reached more than 35 million man-hours without recordable incidents across all its facilities as of March 2024

Luberef is committed to prioritizing zero harm and ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees, communities, and the environment. This commitment is ingrained in our company culture and is viewed as fundamental to our success. We achieve this by implementing world-class HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) practices across environmental protection, health, process safety, and occupational safety. Our goal is to safeguard the welfare of our employees, contractors, communities, and the environment.
Our HSE Policy sets the overarching direction for our entire organization and serves as the foundation that guides our ongoing efforts and progress toward HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) improvement. To access the complete PDF version of Luberef's HSE Policy, please click here

Luberef has been honored with six consecutive awards over the past four years from the Saudi Aramco President’s Affiliate Excellence Award, as outlined below:
The 2021 Award in the Best Performance in the area of Health, Safety, and Environment, for achieving zero total recordable incidents across both Luberef’s Yanbu and Jeddah facilities
The 2021 Award for the Most Improved in the area of Energy Intensity.
The 2022 Award in Operational Excellence and for the Most Improved in the Maintenance and Reliability categories.
The 2023 President’s Affiliate Excellence Award for the Best Performance in the Safety category.
The 2024 President’s Affiliate Excellence Award for the Best Performance in the Safety category.
The 2024 President’s Affiliate Excellence Award for the Best Performance in the Maintenance and Reliability categories.